Case Results
Case Dismissed
Our Client was arrested two days into Marine boot camp for two counts of Dissuading a Witness. After a day and a half of a preliminary hearing and a brief citing the California Supreme Court's April 22, 2024 ruling about the exact issue , the Judge dismissed both counts. Our Client is thankfully heading home. (2024)
Not Guilty & Sentencing Mitigation
Our Client was found walking toward an abandoned property next to a 2nd property. Officers were already on scene responding to a complaint about the 2nd property. Our Client walked up to the officers, officers detained, then arrested our Client for an unrelated outstanding warrant and the burglary of the 2nd property. Our Client became upset and then made ill-advised statements to the arresting officers and wound up charged with Criminal Threats. Our client was found Not Guilty of 1st degree burglary and Guilty of Criminal Threats .Facing prison time, we secured probation with immediate release to a residential rehabilitation facility. (2024)
Not Guilty
Client was charged with Assault Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury - Producing Great Bodily Injury- AND having a strike (or 2) prior. Client faced a 3rd strike (25-life if found guilty). There was a jail melee resulting in significant injuries to the victim. Client was near the fight and the only person wearing different colored pants. They were also the only person shot with a non-lethal bean bag when the guard went full Duck Hunt and started firing into the crowd.Jury came back Not Guilty. Client showed up for the verdict, and that is another step in the right direction for this Client. (2024)
The Government charged our Client with Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Since the "weapon" was a car, Client faced a permanent loss of Client's driver's license. Government also charged Client with felony child abuse as kids were in the car. We succeeded in having all felony charges dismissed at the preliminary hearing, but instead of dismissing the whole case, the Court reduced the felony Assault to a lesser misdemeanor. Client faced the unfair prospect of losing work days at trial and had to take a deal to keep working. We filed a motion for diversion and won. One year later, Client's case has been completely DISMISSED. (2024)
Client was charged with PC 4573.6 (a)- Felony Possession of Contraband in the Jail. Our Client was visiting a spouse in prison when guards found certain contraband in our Client's car. After hundreds of visits, other officers recognized our Client and believed our Client had no idea about the contraband found in the center console. A very messy car - which several other people used and accessed. After the preliminary hearing, our Client was held to answer (the case continues). We filed a 995 motion (appeal of the preliminary hearing). The government filed no opposition and the judge dismissed the case. Our Client is now able to go visit their spouse again! (2024)
Not Guilty
Client charged with 2 felonies and 1 misdemeanor. Government offered - plead guilty to 1 felony, for dismissal of 1 felony and the misdemeanor. Client would serve a split sentence of 16 months jail (8 months in 8 months out). Client respectfully declined the offer and went to trial. NOT Guilty on both felonies. We conceded the misdemeanor count at trial - as the video footage of officers pulling the bag of methamphetamine out of client's pants indicated guilt. (2023)
Client was charged with PC 21310- Felony Carrying a Dirk or Dagger. Client was standing outside a gas station when a drug task force randomly roaming the streets came across him. They said he looked nervous so they approached him. After he consented they found a 9 inch knife in our clients sweater and he was charged. Trial was set to start when we found out there was no proof of the actual knife. There were no photos of the knife and the knife itself was destroyed. The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence. (2023)
Client was charged with 5 counts of PC 32 - Felony Accessory After the Fact. Client maintained innocence and after offer for 1 count of PC 32 and formal probation, with terms and conditions - proceeded to the preliminary hearing. After the hearing, the judge found insufficient evidence and dismissed the case. Client came to court today facing 6 felonies, including 1 strike, and left with 0! Thanks to the completely ethical DA, evidence was included in the hearing that allowed the judge to make a fully informed ruling. (2023)
Client was charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Client maintained innocence and rejected deal for no strike and no jail time. Preliminary Hearing dismissed due to witness issues. (2023)
Client maintained innocence and after offer for 1 count of PC 32 (Felony Accessory After the Fact) and formal probation, with terms and conditions - proceeded to the preliminary hearing. Thanks to the completely ethical DA, evidence was included in the hearing that allowed the judge to make a fully informed ruling. After the hearing, the judge found insufficient evidence and dismissed the case. Client came to court today facing 6 felonies, including 1 strike, and left with 0! (2023)
Client pleaded No Contest on a felony case and was sentenced to 16 months prison. In between client's Change of Plea to client's Sentencing, client picked up a new case - Battery on a former cohabitant/partner. Instead of pleading client guilty and admitting a violation of the terms of the plea agreement - increasing client's exposure at sentencing - we pushed to trial. The District Attorney dismissed the case on the day of trial for lack of sufficient evidence. (2023)
Client was charged with underage drinking. After several court appearances, we were able to get the case dismissed through diversion. Client still has a clean record and a bright future ahead. ( 2023)
Sentence Mitigated
Client was charged with: Assault with a Deadly Weapon and facing a strike; and felony vandalism. After the preliminary hearing, the court dismissed the strike and dropped the charges to Assault by Means Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury and Vandalism. Probation recommended 13 years in prison; the DA recommended 6 years in prison. We secured probation and our client is free! (2023)
Not Guilty
Casino employee accused of stealing cash from a cash-giveaway game at the casino. Not Guilty Grand Theft by Employee.
Multiple counts of Insurance Fraud – jury found not guilty 10-2. Case was dismissed in the name of Justice.
Sentence Mitigated
Doe found guilty of robbery of a Home Depot. Client offered 3 years prison before trial and DA sought 5 years prison after trial. Client ended up with 5 years probation with no jail time to serve.
Strike Dismissed at Prelim
-Client charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon (felony) and Vandalism. Strike dismissed at prelim and charge amended to Assault by Means Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury(misdemeanor). Case still pending.
Charges Dropped to Misdemeanor
Client charged with Felony Domestic Violence with a Strike. The strike was dismissed at prelim. The State refiled the Felony with the strike. Client received misdemeanor no jail time.
Not Guilty and Charges Dismissed
Client got into a bar fight in North County and was charged Felony Assault and Great Bodily Injury, Felony Elder Abuse, Misdemeanor Elder Abuse, and Misdemeanor Battery. Great Bodily Injury was dismissed at the close of the government’s case. The jury found client Not Guilty of elder abuse and client plead to misdemeanor assault.
State Cases
One Count Dimissed, Time Served Sentence
After almost 3 years in federal custody, Client got to spend Christmas 2024 with family. Government charged Client with 1 count of Drug Possession with Intent to Distribute and 3 counts of Assault of Federal Officers. Long - long - long story, short. After litigation, Government agreed to drop the drug charge. After much more litigation, Government agreed to a Time Served sentence.After serving nearly 3 years in several different federal pre-trial detention centers, suffering a heart attack while in custody, Client is finally breathing a sigh of relief. (2024)
Sentence Mitigated
Client charged with importation of Methamphetamine. The Government asked for 41 months and Probation asked for 42 months. We were able to get their sentence down to time served and released to a residential rehab facility. (2023)
Case Dismissed
Client charged with Conspiracy to Manufacture Marijuana. Based on negotiations, the Government agreed to dismiss the case.
Case Dismissed
Client charged with importation of drugs. Client was a passenger in the car with their spouse at the wheel. Drugs were found in the car. Client was detained and questioned. We filed a motion to Suppress Statements and the government dismissed the case.
Case Dismissed
Illegal entry/re-entry – Client was tracked from Central America through attempted entry into the United States. Filed a motion to dismiss for Outrageous government misconduct. Government did not file an opposition and dismissed the case.
Case Dismissed
Alien smuggling. Client answered ad in paper and probably inspected the car before agreeing to drive it across the boarder.